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Sean McPherson

Software engineer @ Khan Academy



  1. 2018
    3 articles 0 notes 0 gardens 0 pieces of art 0 RSS Club articles
  2. 2019
    19 articles 0 notes 0 gardens 0 pieces of art 0 RSS Club articles
  3. 2020
    51 articles 0 notes 3 gardens 0 pieces of art 0 RSS Club articles
  4. 2021
    33 articles 26 notes 4 gardens 0 pieces of art 0 RSS Club articles
  5. 2022
    36 articles 21 notes 4 gardens 0 pieces of art 0 RSS Club articles
  6. 2023
    56 articles 12 notes 5 gardens 9 pieces of art 7 RSS Club articles
  7. 2024
    42 articles 6 notes 11 gardens 4 pieces of art 1 RSS Club articles